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A crack relief interlayer is a fine-aggregate, high-asphalt, one-inch hot mix interlayer placed over existing pavement to prevent reflective (upward) cracking forces from affecting a new pavement overlay. The reflective crack relief interlayer is designed to be highly flexible to greatly reduce cracking.
- ARMI™ interlayer is designed with performance testing to be highly flexible and impermeable.
- ARMI™ interlayer absorbs at least 80% of reflective cracking forces.
- ARMI™ interlayer also cushions the new overlay, adding life span and durability to the new pavement.
Third party interlayers are not always third party, even if they are often installed by a third party (sub-contractor). Some paving contractors do self-perform membrane interlayer installation. It varies from market to market. It is better to label them membrane interlayers. That covers fabrics and grids, as well as products like rubberized chip seals and SAMI (stress-absorbing membrane interlayer).
ARMI™ interlayer is better than membrane interlayers because ARMI™ delivers unparalleled crack resistance, while also providing structure (one-inch plant mix). ARMI™ interlayer is also extremely cost competitive and can often be constructed faster and easier.
ARMI™ interlayer uses the contractor’s local, fine aggregates and asphalt binder that are combined to meet the performance requirements. Poly-aramid fiber (AQU XP™) is added at the contractor’s plant to provide the extreme flexibility component.
Surface Tech provides the final mix design for each producer and material source. In general, we need sand, dust and oil. The oil can be neat or modified, depending on performance requirements and market availability.
(4.75mm) NMAS design with usually around 8.0% AC or greater at 50 gyration using the Superpave gyratory compactor.