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REARM™ is designed to accommodate up to 50% RAP, but we may be able to do more in certain markets. However, in some markets, even 50% RAP is not possible. It all depends on RAP binder quality and stiffness, balanced with available binder options. For instance, in Arizona we will be thrilled to have a REARM™ 70/10 mix with 30% RAP that meets the performance of a 70/10 with 10% RAP.
The amount of RAP is limited by local RAP and the contractors ability to control and dry the RAP.
REARM™ high RAP mix is designed to meet local balance mix design (BMD) requirements. They KEY is that BMD tests are used to meet rutting and cracking criteria. REARM™ can be designed to exceed the performance of current mixtures but using more RAP!
Dosing for REARM™ is easy at the plant. Precision pumps manage the liquid and Surface-Tech’s specialized automated fiber dosing machine delivers the fiber.
REARM™ is extremely cost effective. In most cases, REARM™ will equal the performance of a low RAP mix at a lower cost of manufacture. If REARM™ is engineered for higher performance, the resulting mix should be cost neutral.
REARM™ delivers sustainability through the combination of increased recycled materials and high performance. REARM™ lowers the carbon footprint of pavement, while delivering a higher-value, longer-lasting pavement to the taxpayer, owner, and traveling public.